309 Paving Services

Jun 14, 2022

When it comes time to fix a crack or pothole in your driveway, choosing the correct asphalt repair technique is essential. In this blog post, 309 Paving Services will explore standard asphalt repair techniques and discuss the pros and cons of each one. So, read on whether you’re a DIY homeowner or looking for a professional contractor!

Asphalt Patching

Patching is one of the most common asphalt repair techniques. It’s also one of the most straightforward methods. Asphalt patching involves filling in a hole or crack with a material closely resembles the surrounding asphalt. This technique best suits minor repairs, such as less than an inch wide cracks.


  • DIY homeowners with little experience can easily apply patches.
  • All you need for this repair technique is a pre-mixed patching compound (which can be found at your local hardware store) and a putty knife.
  • Patching is relatively inexpensive compared to other asphalt repair techniques.


  • Patching is only a temporary fix and will not prevent further damage from occurring.
  • Over time, patching compounds can shrink and crack, requiring you to repeat the repair process.

Milling Or Resurfacing

If you have larger areas of damage that need to be repaired, you may want to consider asphalt milling or asphalt resurfacing.

Milling involves removing the top layer of asphalt so that you can apply a new layer. This technique is used on roads and highways where a fresh layer of asphalt is needed to provide a smooth driving surface.

Resurfacing is similar to milling, but only the damaged portion is removed instead of removing the entire top layer. This can be a good option if you have small areas of damage that need to be repaired.


  • Milling and resurfacing are great ways to extend the life of your asphalt.
  • Removing the damaged portion of the asphalt ensures that a new layer will be applied evenly. This can help to prevent further damage.
  • You only need to repair the damaged portion of the asphalt rather than the entire surface.
  • Milling and resurfacing also add strength and stability to your asphalt. This can be especially beneficial if you live in an area that experiences extreme weather conditions.


  • The process can be disruptive and may require lane closures or other traffic control measures. This can cause inconvenience for drivers and may lead to increased traffic congestion.
  • There may be some noise associated with the process.

Which Technique Is Right for Me?

When deciding which asphalt repair technique is correct for you, it’s important to consider the severity of the damage and the size of the area that needs to be repaired.

For minor damage, patching may be all that is needed. For larger areas of damage, milling or resurfacing may be a better option.

If you’re unsure, which repair technique suits your situation, contact a professional asphalt contractor for advice.

309 Paving Services provides the best asphalt paving services – from asphalt patching to milling and complete repair. We are the best asphalt contractors in Mortonget your free estimate now!