309 Paving Services

Feb 19, 2019

Once the snow is cleared away, in many cases there is still ice and compacted snow leftover. This can be a danger to people walking through your lot, and it can cause you problems with liability if you’re not properly insured. What are some ways to defrost your parking lot without damaging it? In this article, we’ll explore some of those ways, and some ways to better prepare for next year.

When It’s Icy:

After a lot has been plowed, either by professional snow removal services or by other means, there will still be some ice and compacted snow left. This can leave slick surfaces and eventually slush in your lot. How to get rid of ice and defrost the lot? Many of us immediately reach for the rock salt. This can be a good option in many cases, but it’s important to use it sparingly. Too much salt can cause pavement and sealcoating to break down and cause damage to the pavement. When the snow melts all the way in the spring, make sure to check out your pavement and make sure that you are correcting any damage that has occured over the winter season.

Additionally, when it gets colder, you can try de-icers that will work on lower temperatures. It can also be beneficial to use salt which is pet safe in certain instances. While it can be more expensive, it may be worth it if there are pets in your parking lot. This could be the case with a vet, pet store, or even just a farm supply store. Think carefully about your customers with even the smallest details.

Tips for Next Year Before the Snow:


Before the snow, it’s important to make sure that your lot has been sealcoated. This will help immensely with wear and tear during the winter season. Not only is your pavement being assaulted with snow plows, but if there are cracks then water can freeze within it and cause potholes. How to solve this issue? Make sure that your parking lot has been sealcoated before the first frost. This assures that you are protecting the surface of your lot and prolonging the life of the pavement. Plus, it will help out with your budget when you don’t have to replace the parking lot as often as you might without sealcoating.

Need Help? Call Us!

Call 309 Paving Services for which options work best with your parking lot surface. For sealcoating, or pavement patching spring is the perfect time. Give 309 Paving Services a call and get scheduled. We are happy to work with you to make your parking lot perfect for spring and summer.