309 Paving Services

Jun 25, 2019

You know how annoying it can be; you’re driving down the street and “KER-CLUNK!” You hit a pothole. There is a moment where you wonder if your car is alright. Hopefully nothing was damaged. We have seen it time and time again. In fact, each year, potholes cost drivers about $3 billion annually. All types of vehicles can be damaged by pothole, even at slower speeds. If your business parking lot has a pothole, consider getting pothole repair for your Peoria, IL parking lot. It is never fun to deal with angry customers who have damaged their cars in your parking lot because of potholes. Get rid of the problem completely with our help!

Pothole Solutions from 309 Paving Services

Avoid angry customers, possible lawsuits, and other negative effects of a pothole. Get pothole repair for your Peoria, IL business from 309 Paving Services. We will fill the pothole so your parking lot is safe, durable, and pothole free! We also provide a variety of other parking lot maintenance services such as asphalt seal, crack filling, asphalt paving and patchwork, and parking lot striping. Give us a call today so we can help you have a safe, great-looking parking lot. First impressions mean a lot, and a parking lot is the first impression when people visit your business. Make sure it looks great!